Alexis Kuehl – Weight loss, functional training

Elevate Your Fitness Journey in Miami with Personalized Online Training and Nutrition Coaching

Hi, I’m Alexis, your certified personal trainer and nutrition coach, and I’m passionate about helping you conquer your health and fitness aspirations in the vibrant city of Miami. I understand that fitness is a personal evolution, not a quick fix, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way. My expertise spans weight loss, muscle gain, bodybuilding, mobility, and nutrition, ensuring a holistic approach to your well-being.

My Holistic Approach to Your Success

I recognize that every Miami resident is unique, each with their own strengths, limitations, and personal goals. That’s why I tailor my training programs and nutrition plans to your individual needs, ensuring a customized fitness experience that aligns with your lifestyle and aspirations.

Experience the Miami Energy in Your Workouts and Nutrition

My training philosophy is all about making exercise a thrilling part of your Miami lifestyle. I infuse fun, engagement, and motivation into every session, ensuring you not only see remarkable results but also eagerly anticipate your workouts. In addition, I’ll guide you through proper nutrition principles, helping you fuel your body for optimal performance and recovery, all while enjoying the vibrant flavors of our city.

Your Miami Fitness Journey Starts Here

With experience working with a diverse clientele, I’ve helped Miami residents of all ages and fitness levels achieve their goals – from weight loss and muscle building to improved mobility and overall well-being. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete, I’m here to support you on your unique fitness path.

Empowering Your Long-Term Fitness in Miami

My mission goes beyond short-term results. I’m committed to equipping you with the knowledge and skills you need to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle that thrives in the heart of Miami. I believe fitness is a lifelong pursuit, and I’m dedicated to supporting you every step of the way, ensuring your success in our dynamic city.

Ready to Transform Your Fitness in Miami?

If you’re ready to elevate your health and fitness to new heights in our vibrant city, contact me today to schedule your complimentary consultation. Let’s collaborate and make your fitness dreams a reality in the heart of Miami!

Brianna Campos – Athletic Strength Training Coach

Hey Miami!

I’m Brianna Campos, your personal trainer at Self Made Training Facility, and I’m stoked to help you unleash your athletic potential.

Sports Conditioning and Athletic Performance Expertise

With six specialized certifications in sports conditioning, speed and agility, mobility and stability, and overall athletic performance, I’m equipped to elevate your game. My background in basketball, volleyball, soccer, and softball, along with experience training professional and collegiate athletes, means I understand the dedication and hard work needed to excel.

Body Recomposition and Strength Training for Miami Athletes

Beyond sports performance, I specialize in body recomposition and strength training. My approach prioritizes gaining lean muscle and mastering proper form, not just shedding fat. By slowing down movements and emphasizing the mind-to-muscle connection, we’ll ensure every rep counts.

Holistic Support for Your Fitness Journey

I’m here to provide more than just workouts. You’ll receive nutritional guidance to fuel your body for optimal performance, and I’ll share strategies to strengthen your mental resilience. Having overcome major injuries myself, I understand the challenges you may face, and I’m dedicated to supporting you every step of the way.

Ready to Take the First Step?

Whether you’re a Miami athlete striving for greatness or someone looking to transform their physique and overall well-being, I invite you to join me at Self Made Training Facility. Your first session is on me because I’m invested in your success from day one.

Let’s make your fitness dreams a reality! Fill out the consultation form below, and let’s get started. 💪🏋️‍♂️

Chris Comella – Weight Loss & Injury Rehabilitation

Online Personal Training in Miami, FL with Chris Comella

About Me:

Hello! I’m Chris Comella, your dedicated partner in achieving your fitness goals in Miami, FL. With a passion for health and wellness, I’ve devoted myself to helping individuals transform their lives through exercise, nutrition, and mindset. My fitness journey began over a decade ago when I decided to take control of my health after years of sedentary work. Hiring a trainer changed my life, and now, I’m committed to empowering others to achieve similar transformations. I also specialize in helping individuals recover from traumatic injuries or surgeries, enabling them to return to a pain-free, active lifestyle.


As a certified personal trainer and fitness coach, I offer personalized workout plans tailored to your unique needs. Whether you’re a beginner or an athlete, I provide comprehensive support in:

  • Weight Loss
  • Strength Training
  • Functional Body Building
  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
  • Flexibility and Mobility
  • Injury Recovery

My Approach:

I believe sustainable change starts from within. Therefore, I emphasize the mental and emotional aspects of training alongside the physical. Together, we’ll cultivate a positive mindset around food and exercise, set realistic expectations, and create a sustainable lifestyle. We’ll celebrate every milestone, ensuring you stay motivated and engaged in your health journey for years to come.

Why Choose Me?

  • Personalized Attention: Your goals are my priority. I’ll provide guidance, support, and accountability every step of the way.
  • Evidence-Based Practices: I stay updated with the latest research and industry trends, ensuring you receive the most effective training methods. We focus on what works for you, cutting through the noise of the fitness industry.
  • Results-Driven: Whether your goal is to lose weight, build muscle, improve performance, or simply feel better, I’m committed to helping you achieve tangible, long-lasting results.

Let’s Get Started:

Ready to embark on your fitness journey? Reach out to me today, and let’s turn your aspirations into reality. Life throws challenges our way, so let’s become stronger together to handle whatever comes our way.

Contact Chris Comella for Online Personal Training in Miami, FL, and start your transformation today!

Cynthia Baer – Weight Loss Specialist

Cynthia Baer – Your Weight Loss Specialist in Miami, FL

Transform Your Life with Cynthia Baer

Welcome! My name is Cynthia Baer, and I am passionate about helping individuals transform their lives through fitness. With over a decade of experience as a dedicated trainer, I have had the privilege of guiding hundreds of women on their journey to weight loss, confidence building, and increased energy levels.

About Cynthia Baer

As a weight loss specialist in Miami, FL, my training philosophy centers around personalized, results-driven programs tailored to each client’s unique needs, preferences, and goals. I specialize in weight loss, strength training, and endurance, believing in the power of combining physical and mental training to ensure holistic transformation.

Personalized Nutrition Planning

One of the cornerstones of my approach is personalized nutrition planning. I work closely with each client to develop a custom nutrition plan that complements their fitness goals and lifestyle, ensuring sustainable results. Whether it’s meal planning, dietary guidance, or nutritional coaching, I provide comprehensive support to help my clients achieve optimal health and wellness.

Supportive Community and Accountability

But it’s not just about the workouts and meal plans; it’s about building a supportive community and fostering accountability. I offer both one-on-one sessions and group training, creating opportunities for my clients to connect, motivate each other, and celebrate successes together. Currently, we’re gearing up for a mud run as a fun way to stay motivated and accountable.

Incredible Transformations

The results speak for themselves. I’ve witnessed incredible transformations in clients of all ages and fitness levels, from busy moms to professionals looking to prioritize their health. By empowering them to embrace healthier habits and overcome obstacles, I’ve seen confidence soar and goals achieved.

Join the Journey

Joining my programs isn’t just about getting fit; it’s about embarking on a journey towards a stronger, fitter, and happier version of yourself. If you’re ready to take that step, I’m here to guide and support you every step of the way.

Contact Cynthia Baer

Ready to start your fitness journey? Let’s connect! Feel free to reach out to me at (951) 269-0992 to schedule your complimentary consultation.


  • Personal Trainer Miami
  • Weight Loss Specialist Miami
  • Fitness Coach Miami
  • Customized Fitness Programs Miami
  • Personalized Nutrition Miami
  • Cynthia Baer Personal Trainer
  • Miami Weight Loss Programs

Cynthia Baer is your dedicated weight loss specialist in Miami, FL. Transform your fitness journey with personalized, results-driven programs designed to help you achieve your goals. Contact Cynthia Baer today and start your path to a healthier, more confident you.

Kurt Hoak – Personal Trainer in Temecula

Kurt Hoak – Personal Trainer in Temecula

Who am I?:
Hey there, my name is Kurt Hoak! I’m the owner and operator of Physiosculptors Elite Personal
Training. My degree in Kinesiology and 10 years of experience in the fitness space allow me to
serve you as more than just a personal trainer, but as your best solution to transforming your
fitness goals into reality.

Why I do what I do:
My own fitness journey so far has been quite extensive. Being an active kid who participated in
many different sports, I was always immersed in exercise and physical activity. It was at around
the age of 10 that I really began to get involved with strength and conditioning training. Not only
did my involvement in multiple different sports create memories and valuable life experience,
but they also left me with more than my fair share of injuries. From concussions, to broken
bones, sprains, and separated joints, it’s safe to say I’ve seen (and felt) a lot. On the bright side,
my recovery from these experiences have shaped and formed the trajectory of what my strongest
passions are, which is helping people transform their quality of life through physical fitness. My
experiences have allowed me to gain a unique perspective on how transformative and impactful
professionally guided exercise can be. The outcome of this passion led me to pursue higher
education in the field, which created the opportunities to help people not only in athletic training
settings, but also in a physical therapy clinic as a PT aide. After growing in multiple different
professional roles in the fitness field and business leadership positions, I concluded that creating
my own business would be the most effective investment of my energy and knowledge in regards
to having the biggest impact on helping others.

What I offer:
With my vast background in the fitness field, I bring a unique blend of expertise to the table,
especially considering I have been in both the provider’s and the patient/client’s shoes. My real
superpower lies in my ability to connect with people on a personal level. I’ve honed my
interpersonal skills over the years, making sure my clients feel encouraged, supported, and
motivated every step of the way. My areas of expertise include, but are not limited to: entry level
exercises, adaptive exercises, exercise for general-wellness, resistance training, weight training,
endurance training, youth training, mid-life training, elderly training, powerlifting, bodybuilding,
functional training, injury prevention, strength and conditioning, weight gain, weight loss, body
recomposition, 1:1 personal training, small group training, online training, and exercise for sports

Let’s book!:
So, if you’re ready to make one of the best decisions of your life, message me now to schedule
your FREE consultation! Together, we’ll achieve your goals and create a healthier, stronger, and
more confident you. Let’s get started!

Lorena Rivera – Online Training & Weight Loss Specialist

Lorena Rivera – Online Training & Weight Loss Specialist – Hi!! I’m Lorena, a weight loss & body transformation coach and an online personal trainer partnered with Self Made Training Facility!

Driven by a passion for transformation, I’ve experienced the profound impact of fitness. In 2017, I weighed 185 lbs. Being just under 5 feet tall, it placed me on the brink of morbid obesity. It was the heaviest I’d ever been. I couldn’t walk up a flight of stairs or even look at myself in the mirror. It was a huge wake-up call. I knew I needed to change. So, I did!! Losing 65 lbs was more than a physical journey; it challenged me mentally and emotionally. It’s been a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and has taught me that transformation is possible!! Not only did it change my appearance and lifestyle, I’ve also inspired thousands of women to take charge of their health, rediscover their confidence, and reignite their self-esteem through fitness along the way. Having faced my own challenges with binge eating and mental health, I deeply understand the obstacles you may encounter on your fitness journey. These experiences have not only shaped me but have also made me a more empathetic and effective trainer. Together, we will overcome any hurdles you face, empowering you to achieve your goals and reclaim your health and happiness. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to rekindle your fitness journey, remember, it’s never too late to take that first step towards a healthier, more fulfilling life.

To better serve my clients, I decided to get certified in all of the following:

Certified Personal Trainer
-Online Coaching Certification
-Transformation Specialist
-Nutritionist Certification
-Specialized in Strength & Conditioning
-Running Coach
Fitness Coach
-Elite Trainer

My certifications as a fitness trainer aren’t just about knowledge – they represent a commitment to helping you become the best version of yourself. Because fitness isn’t one-size-fits-all – it’s about embracing your individuality and celebrating every step of the way. With a personalized workout plan and incorporating a nutritious diet catered to your dietary preferences, we can achieve your goals. If you’re ready to discover wh

Sean Barefield – Athletic Performance Coach

Sean Barefield – Athletic Performance Coach – I’m Sean Barefield, an athletic performance coach based out of the vibrant Temecula Valley, California, where I ply my trade at the renowned Self Made Training Facility. My journey into coaching was ignited by a profound love for sports and an unyielding desire to help athletes realize their full potential, whether they’re stepping into my facility or connecting with me online.

Having competed in football, track, and baseball, as well as now turning to being a bodybuilding competitor and coach myself, I bring a wealth of firsthand experience to my coaching approach. I understand the unique demands each sport places on its athletes and tailor my training regimens accordingly. My own athletic journey includes competing and training at an elite Division 1 (D1) level, where I honed my skills and gained invaluable insights into the world of high-level competition and have carried these skills into my athletes across sports and bodybuilding.

Beyond my collegiate career, I’ve had the privilege of training alongside elite NFL athletes and bodybuilding competitors, soaking in their expertise and pushing myself to new heights of performance. These experiences have shaped my coaching philosophy, instilling in me a deep appreciation for the dedication, discipline, and determination required to succeed at the highest levels of sport.

At Self Made Training Facility, I foster an environment of excellence, where athletes are empowered to push past their limits and achieve greatness. Through personalized training programs that combine cutting-edge techniques with time-honored principles, I guide athletes and clients on a transformative journey towards peak performance.

Whether I’m honing a quarterback’s agility, enhancing a sprinter’s explosiveness, refining a pitcher’s endurance, or dialing in my bodybuilding athletes, my goal remains the same: to help athletes reach their highest level of performance. And it’s not just about physical prowess; I’m also passionate about instilling valuable life lessons that transcend the boundaries of sport.

In addition to my work at Self Made Training Facility, I embrace the digital age by offering online coaching services. This allows me to connect with athletes around the globe, breaking down geographical barriers and spreading my message of empowerment and excellence.

Beyond the weight room and the track, I strive to be a beacon of inspiration within my community. As a mentor, motivator, and role model, I’m committed to helping athletes not only succeed in their sport but also grow as individuals.

My legacy is not measured in wins and losses but in the lives I touch and the athletes I empower to become the best version of themselves. I am Sean Barefield, and I am dedicated to helping athletes write their own stories of success, one rep at a time. Let’s get started, click the button above and fill out a consultation form–– your first session’s on me!

Steve Mulligan – Self Defense and MMA Training Coach

Steve Mulligan – Self Defense and MMA Training Coach – Enlisting in the Marine Corps straight out of high school during the Iraq War, I embarked on a path marked by grit, determination, and unwavering dedication to service. Throughout my tenure as a Combat Marine, I faced intense challenges in some of the most demanding environments imaginable. From grueling combat missions in hostile territories to rigorous training exercises designed to push the limits of human endurance, I honed my skills in tactical warfare, physical conditioning, and mental resilience.

However, my thirst for personal growth and self-improvement led me to explore another avenue of combat: the world of mixed martial arts (MMA). Drawn to the raw intensity and technical precision of cage fighting, I immersed myself in disciplines like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, and wrestling. Under the tutelage of seasoned coaches and trainers, I refined my techniques, sharpened my reflexes, and elevated my combat prowess to new heights.

The fusion of my combat Marine background with my experience as a cage fighter imbues me with a unique perspective and a diverse skill set as a personal trainer. Drawing upon the discipline and tenacity instilled by military training, coupled with the strategic mindset and adaptability honed in the cage, I am uniquely positioned to guide my clients on their fitness journey.

Whether it’s designing customized workout programs tailored to individual goals, teaching self-defense techniques rooted in martial arts principles, or providing unwavering support and motivation, I am committed to helping my clients unlock their full potential. With a deep-seated passion for fitness and combat, coupled with a proven track record of success in both arenas, I am poised to make a lasting impact in the lives of those I train, empowering them to conquer obstacles, surpass their limitations, and emerge stronger, fitter, and more resilient than ever before.

What is your Training Specialty?
Self Defense and MMA Training

Tyler Millan – NASM Certified Personal Trainer in Temecula

Tyler Millan – NASM Certified Personal Trainer in Temecula –

I’m Tyler Millan, a NASM Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) with a genuine commitment to helping individuals achieve their fitness goals. My approach to training is rooted in personalized fitness programs, designed to address a variety of objectives, including fat burning, toning up, and weight loss.

With a wealth of experience, I specialize in: Youth Sports, Nutrition, Strength & Conditioning, Body Composition (Fat Loss, Muscle Gain), and Mom Transformations.

When it comes to young athletes, my training methods involve a combination of strength training, agility drills, and injury prevention strategies to optimize performance on the field or court. I believe in fostering a positive and encouraging atmosphere that goes beyond traditional workout routines, taking into account lifestyle, nutrition, and mental well-being.

In our sessions, my focus is on tailoring each plan to the unique needs of the individual. I want to help clients not only achieve their fitness objectives but also gain a comprehensive understanding of their bodies. My goal is to guide you on a holistic fitness journey that emphasizes sustainable lifestyle changes and lasting transformations.

As your personal trainer, I’m dedicated to creating an atmosphere where you feel empowered and motivated to reach your fitness goals. Let’s work together to not only improve your physical well-being but also enhance your overall health and happiness.